Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Morning Humor for Non-Morning People...

Luke is pretty much like me: A Morning Person, one of those persons so irritating to non-Morning People.

Morning people wake up with an attitude which is at the very least chipper, at most bouyant and happy, smiling eagerly on a day filled with the shining promise of opportunity and adventure! We operate best during the early hours, our minds and spirits fresh from restful slumber.

I, for one, am perfectly capable of getting up and coping with the world within ten minutes -- at least about 99 percent of the time. My eyes open and I lie there in the dark organizing my thoughts, perhaps ruminating over a dream I've just had, perhaps merely categorizing my activities for the day.

On a day off I'll rise as quietly as possible, slipping out of bed and up the hallway into the general living area. If it's still dark I'll turn on the wee light over the stove; if not, I'll slip on into the office and get online, frequently blogging during this time. My best blogs have come during the morning hours when my mind is at its best.

My wife hates this about me. She's not even a non-Morning Person, she's a Sleeper. If left to her own devices she would, without exaggeration, petrify in the bed, drifting farther and farther into slumber until she crossed the threshold into Death, being discovered some day in the distant future by a snooty graduate student who would theorize that her blanket-entombed form was indicative of either religious ritual (closer to the mark, considering her attitude toward sleep) or a separate specie entirely (closer to the mark by my estimate of the difference 'twixt Morning and non-Morning people).

She'd resemble a cotton plaid version of the shapes found in Pompeiian ruins.

The point is Luke and I are at our best in the wee hours while Mommy is not; thus it was curious and quite funny, at least to me, when I heard mutual fussing on a recent morning as Mommy and Boy interacted -- and funnier still as said interaction came to fruition of a sort!

From my position in the brightly-lit bathroom, where I was brushing my teeth, I heard the following coming from the dimly-lit dining area where our table doubles as a changing station:

"No, honey... You have to wake up. Come on, let's start -- No, stop it. Stop!"

"Mmmmgh... E-e-eh... MMMMM-n-n-ngh! Ngheh!"

"No, n-- Quit it! Stop fighting! You have to wake up now!"

"NNNNgeh! A-huh-huh-huuu-u-uhhh..."

"Stop fighting! You can't go back to sleep! We have to get ready to go! STOP!"

"NGEH! E-E-EEEhhh! Mgh-WEH!" *FLUMP*

Just as I was finishing up and exiting the bathroom I heard Mommy begin to laugh helplessly. You see, Luke's efforts to go back to sleep resulted in this interesting scene:

It is, most certainly, to laugh!

1 comment:

Truth said...

Many a time have I seen that position.. It's always cute. My absolute favorite is the passed out in the highchair position. It's even better when there is food involved. Do you have any of those to share?